Weekly meditation

Developing body-mind stillness
Learn how to develop body stillness and steadiness through the practice of Kaya Sthairyam and your ability to witness through Antar Mouna.
When, where and cost » and information on the meditation techniques.

Centring and focusing
Learn how to centre and focus your energies and bring yourself into the present moment through Tratack, Yoga Nidra and alternative nostril breathing.
When, where and cost » and information on the meditation techniques.

Becoming a compassionate witness
Develop the ability and compassion to stay with what is arising without judging through the practices of Antar Mouna and Hridyakasha Dharana.
When, where and cost » and information on the meditation techniques.

Finding space within
Learn to rest in the warmth of this healing space through the practices of Hridyakasha Dharana and Mantra chanting.
When, where and cost » and information on the meditation techniques.

Sound yoga
Explore the energy and medicine of vibration through sound, breath work, chanting and scale singing. When vibration shifts externally and internally, healing and integration can take place.
When, where and cost » and information on the meditation techniques.

Cultivating tranquillity
In this beginner friendly course learn how to prepare for and enter meditation with comfort and confidence through walking meditation and Yoga Nidra.
When, where and cost » and information on the meditation techniques.

Focusing and witnessing
Develop your ability to hold your concentration and witness your thoughts as they arise through Trataka and Antar Mouna. Two invaluable tools for everyday living.
When, where and cost » and information on the meditation techniques.
I joined Poornam’s meditation group as a novice two years ago. Through her gentle guidance and teaching, I have developed a deep stillness in my own practice, which really helps centre me and filters out the busyness of my day.
NRPoornam’s meditation classes have been deeply resourcing. I joined her group as a beginner and have been introduce to many practical techniques and tools.
BRPoornam is very clear in her teaching and her voice is very soothing. My sense of wellbeing has increased and sleep is no longer an issue for me since attending this class.
SSPoornam is an exceptionally wonderful and experienced teacher. Her practice and teaching of meditation has had a profound impact on my daily life. Poornam offers many ways of meditating including chanting, sound meditations and mind-body stillness, centring and the importance of focus. Her teaching is grounded with a deep knowledge and compassion. I would highly recommend her classes in yoga and meditation
JGI tried many meditation and mindfulness classes before joining Poonam’s classes. I made a break through during these classes by being supported to develop a comfortable sitting posture, body stillness and compassion for my body-mind. Excellent approach, techniques and teaching.